Mastering Business Communication: Essential Phrases for Meetings and Professional Discussions

Kancer (Nilay) Gökırmak
2 min readSep 25, 2024


While browsing through my notebook, I came across a section I had taken notes from a long time ago. In the past, I often struggled to find the right words — whether I was trying to share my opinion, politely interrupt, or encourage others to speak. Having a set of go-to phrases makes all the difference. In this post, I’ll share useful sentence patterns to help you navigate meetings with confidence and clarity.

Interruption- Accidentally

  • Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying…
  • Please go on…
  • After you…

Interruption- Direct

  • Sorry to interrupt but …
  • Before you go on, can I just say…?
  • If I can just (interrupt)(for a moment)…
  • Sorry but just to clarify…
  • Excuse me for interrupting…
  • I’ve never thought about it that way before. How does it affect [this point]
  • May I have a word on this topic?
  • If I may, I think that that we should discuss this

To start the meeting

  • Let’s get down to business!
  • Shall we get started?
  • I think we should make a start

If you want to share your idea

  • From my point of view…

If you are weak on some topic

  • I’m no expert on this, but…
  • (I’m not sure/certain but,…) I would guess/ I would imagine/ I would suppose…
  • This is only my opinion, but…
  • I would probably say that…
  • In my limited experience,….

Asking clarification

  • I’m sorry, but could you speak up a little?
  • I didn’t quite heart that, sorry, can you say that again?
  • Sorry, what do you mean by…?
  • So (in other words) what you’re saying is…
  • Could you explain that in another way, please?
  • I’m afraid I didn’t get that
  • I don’t fully understand what you mean. Could you explain it from a different angle?
  • Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
  • Just to be clear, do you mean this…
  • I don’t see what you mean. Could you elaborate, please?

If you want to get any other ideas about a topic

  • (Do you have/ Does anyone have) Any (other/particular) thoughts/comments/opinions/views (on this)?
  • What would you like to say?
  • Are there any more comments?
  • Please have you say
  • What do you think about this proposal?
  • Are there any areas of this project we need to think about?
  • So do we think this is the correct way to proceed?
  • I’d love to get some ideas from everybody
  • …, could you share your opinion on these ideas?
  • …, what do you think about this engineering plan?
  • Does anyone have any comments on this point?
  • I’d like to get your feedback on…



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